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Date: October 14, 2018

a month's worth of doodles from the margin of my notebook for literature class


Date: October 16, 2018

Today we covered Ancient China in art history class, so I was inspired to draw a dragon. It was a nice excuse to bust out my pastel pencils, if nothing else.


Date: October 21, 2018

Lately I've gotten into the habit of drawing people on the subway on my way home from school. It's kind of like drawing from a model in class, but there's much less pressure. And, ideally, much less nudity.

There's a trick to picking the right person to draw. You've gotta pick someone sitting far away enough that you get a good look at them, but not so far that other people or stuff can block your view. And if you pick someone who notices that you're drawing them, they might get stiff and ruin your drawing. Try to pick someone who's looking at their phone; they're gonna be so lost in their own world, they won't even notice you.



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