Date: November 19, 2018
I followed Rudy's instructions and went to the art supplies store today. I tried to keep an open mind, but it was weird not knowing what I was looking for, exactly.
I skipped past the sections I usually go for, the colored pencils and the inking pens, and ended up by the watercolor stuff. Some of the palettes looked really cool, but they were way out of my price range. For this just being an experiment, I wasn't about to drop so much money on something I might never use again. But then I saw these:
Did you guys know they make water brush pens? Because I had no idea, and it honestly blew my mind. I guess I've always liked working with wet media, but it's so much stuff to carry that it's impractical when I wanna work anywhere that's not just my desk. And even though I didn't have the money for a whole new palette, I figure that I still have the watercolor palette I was using in high school, and a bunch of bottles of ink, too. And I wanted to see if this brush really works the way it promises, so I decided to go for it.
I wonder if Rudy's gonna regret his advice when I turn drawing class into a second painting class.